In this paper (collectively written by the national “digital PCR” taskforce from the French Clinical Biology Society), we review the principles of this emerging technology. We propose a number of practical recommendations for the implementation of dPCR-based tests in clinical laboratories, with an eye on quality requirements.

Development of digital PCR molecular tests for clinical practice: principles, practical implementation and recommendations [article in French]
JA. Denis, J. Nectoux, PJ. Lamy, C. Rouillac Le Sciellour, H. Guermouche, AS. Alary, O. Kosmider, N. Sarafan-Vasseur, C. Jovelet, B. Busser, P. Nizard, V. Taly, F. Fina.
Ann Biol Clin (Paris), 2018, 76(5):505-523